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Semi Permanent Eyeliners

2 hr
1,600 Hong Kong dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

Semi permanent eyeliners intensifies your eyes giving a smudge resistant finish that looks like precisely applied eyeliner all day every day a technique with semi-permanent tattoo ink fill in your eyeliner bottom, leaving you with a subtle lash enhancement or fill in between the lashes to create the illusion of thicker, darker, and completely full lashes without looking lined or like obvious makeup. Including touch up within 3 months Biotouch USA pigmentation BioTouch pigments are formulated with Iron Oxides which are known to be safe for cosmetic use, colorants, and micropigmentation to the face and body. Because the pigments have more of these particles in every drop, they absorb into the skin much more effectively. The result is less fading, and truer color. AFTER CARE • Keep eyeline area dry for 2~3 days, avoid cleanser on eye for one week • No mascara for 7 days, no sauna/steam • Don’t pick or peel crusting • Expect the eye to be slightly tender 1-3 days. • Cold pads can be applied to minimise swelling if have Booking Policy: Please call/WhatApps 93820149 to make appointment, after you confirm the booking with me, it is request to pre-pay deposit $200 for your treatment in order to secure your booking and get the discount. Please contact me for payme/FPS payment. The outstanding accept cash only. 美瞳線內置於睫毛內根部,從眼角榜首根睫毛做到眼尾最終一根睫毛、沒有小尾巴,閉眼看不出來、睜眼不露白。 美瞳線使用細微的銀納米針頭,在結膜部分進行施術的時候可以在準確的位置快速注入色素,所以幾乎不會有腫脹的現象,施術後可以直接回歸日常生活。紋美瞳線使用適合結膜PH值的無痛藥膏,在施術的過程中可能會感覺到舒服的癢感。 採用美國BIOTOUCH 天然植物色乳 色乳可被皮膚代謝 退款保證永不變藍變紅 一人一針 安全放心 價格包含3個月內補色一次 本人親自操作 美瞳線術後注意事項: 如果眼睛紅腫,可以對紅腫部位進行局部5~10分鐘冷敷。 操作後每天可正常洗臉(潔面乳避開眼睛部位)。 7天內禁忌泡澡、蒸桑拿、游泳、長時間泡在水里。 做後2天美瞳線開始脫皮或結疤屬於正常現象,4-7左右整體顏色變淡。 7天後如顏色不均勻為正常現象,需一個月後三個月內補色一次才可達到最佳效果。 化妝打粉底或BB需請誤打到眼睛上,以免感染。 做完後當天晚上少喝水,過後兩天也盡量晚上少喝水,辛辣刺激的食物盡量不要食用。 如有脫皮或者結痂現象屬於正常,不要人為去弄掉,讓它自然脫落。 禁忌:懷孕/有凝血功能問題/疤痕體質不適合 請電聯或Whatapps 93820149 預約你的療程以及Payme/FPS/Alipay預付$200, 48小時內取消會收取$200預付的定金,餘款只收取現金。 只需家中準備一個舒適地方躺下,我會帶備所有工具。

Cancellation Policy

The outstanding only accepted cash. Please be aware that cancellations made within 48 hours or no show of the appointment will be charged at HKD200

Contact Details

+ 93820149

Hong Kong, , HKG

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