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Prenatal/Postnatal Massage


1 h 10 min
800 Hong Kong dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

Prenatal /Postnatal Massage (certificated prenatal massage therapist) During pregnancy, the weight and pressure that the mother’s body withstands increase constantly, which may leads to fatigue and emotional instability easily. Prenatal Massage helps mothers adapt to both physical and mental changes during pregnancy, relieve the tension in neck, back and limbs, overcome physical and mental fatigue, improve the quality of sleep, as well as improving the psychological health of mothers and babies We use highly quality hyaluronic acid massage cream help to prevent stretch marks. The massage will be performed either on your side in bed or seated. Suitable pressure applied and some areas avoided during session. Applicable to mother-to-be who have been pregnancy during 13~39 weeks Postnatal Massage helps new mothers get on a speedy road to recovery. This full-body massage uses lymphatic drainage techniques to slim, purify and tone the body. Suitable for 5 days after childbirth if normal delivery. Otherwise it is normally 3 weeks to 1 month with advice from your gynae if you going for C-section Contraindication: Previous Problem in Pregnancy – previous miscarriage, bloody discharge Heart disease/Cancer/Chronic hypertension Consult your doctor with any questions Aftercare advice: Keep yourself warm and avoid shower in 4hours, drink plenty of water to keep rehydrated and flush out toxins after a session Booking Policy: Please call/WhatApps 93820149 to make appointment, after you confirm the booking with me, it is request to pre-pay deposit $200 for your treatment in order to secure your booking and get the discount. Please contact me for payme/FPS payment. The outstanding accept CASH only. 孕婦按摩 懷孕中后期,孕婦身體承受的壓力和重量都不斷增加,身體疲倦更容易影響情緒。孕婦全身按摩有助孕婦適應懷孕期間身心轉變,助妳舒緩肩頸、腰背及四肢痛症、水腫,消除身心疲勞、改善失眠問題,按撫孕期間的情緒壓力,促進母嬰身心安康。 採用無香料無味透明質酸按摩膏,有助孕婦預防妊娠紋及滋潤皮膚。 適合對象 懷孕13~39 周準媽媽 禁忌:孕婦屬於容易流產體質或曾經有流產/早產、不正常出血情況不宜按摩 產後按摩可以幫助媽媽盡快修身,疏通淋巴,舒緩筋骨、緩解疼痛,亦可以讓媽媽心情上得到放鬆,舒緩的焦慮及產後抑鬱狀況。 順產5天后,刨腹產后3~4星期,不同情況請咨詢你的醫院意見。 按摩完後注意保暖,不要馬上洗澡。應適量補充水分,有助排除體內有毒代謝物質。 請電聯或Whatapps 93820149 預約你的療程以及Payme/FPS/Alipay預付$200, 48小時內取消會收取$200預付的定金,餘款只收取現金。 只需家中準備一個舒適地方躺下,我會帶備所有工具。

Cancellation Policy

The outstanding only accepted cash. Please be aware that cancellations made within 48 hours or no show of the appointment will be charged at HKD200

Contact Details

+ 93820149

Hong Kong, , HKG

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