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Intensive Hydrating Rose Facial


1 h 30 min
900 Hong Kong dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

A beautiful scent with beautiful results. The perfect pick me up! Based on rose essential oil, the new rose aromatherapy facial is packed with benefits. Known for its anti-ageing properties, and useful for dehydrated, dry, mature skin. Whose skin doesn’t need extra hydration and a lift? If you suffer from eczema, dermatitis or dilated capillaries rose based products are the answer, rose oil also acts as an anti-inflammatory and reduces redness calming the skin. Rose facial is a holistic treatment, which means that the mind, body and spirit are taken into account. This new line of skincare products I use are Rose based and will “surround” you with pleasant and romantic smell. During the facial you will receive a hands, face, shoulders/neck and head massage. which will relax you, and ease any headaches, insomnia and stress related problems. I promise to make you feel wonderful in 90minutes, and to look glowing. You will regain supple skin that is silky-smooth to the touch. -Cleansing with gentle rose cleanser -Toning with Rose Tonic -Unique painless extraction and eyebrow shaping -Enzyme Exfoliation -Activization with Lifting Ultrasound -Application of the “rose face oil” and perform a guasha massage. Guasha involves scraping a flat jade over the skin in upward strokes to relax stiff muscles and promote tissue drainage, it facilitates gentle elevation of the facial tissues, creating space for fresh blood and nutrition. -Apply the rose amino active mask -Soothing cool massage(6℃): It helps tightens the skin, shrinks pores, improves skin texture and reduce any redness. Booking Policy: Please call/WhatApps 93820149 to make appointment, after you confirm the booking with me, it is request to pre-pay deposit $200 for your treatment in order to secure your booking and get the discount. Please contact me for FPS/Bank transfer. The outstanding accept CASH only. 超强保濕玫瑰净膚療程 超强保濕玫瑰净膚療程: 由「精油之后」的保加利亞玫瑰精油調配的超强保濕肌膚療程配合天然玫瑰晶石刮痧,針對城市污染引致的肌膚早衰、缺乏活力等問題。有效溫和平緩情緒壓力,深入調理肌膚、高效補濕、提亮肌膚、消除水腫,並迅速恢復緊緻與彈性, 回復良好晶瑩、白晢的健康膚。 玫瑰溫和洗面奶,玫瑰花水保濕 皇牌無痛針清修眉,再配合超聲波提升導入玫瑰精華,改善暗啞膚色,然後敷玫瑰氨基酸面膜令水份及營養滲透至肌膚底層, 再配合獨特的粉紅晶石面部刮痧加舒緩按摩手法,最後冰冰冷冷的鎮靜讓肌膚重拾清爽,亮白潤澤,使肌膚恢復年輕。 適合: 敏感泛紅 乾燥敏感 修復細紋 肌膚缺水 皮膚新陳代謝 日曬紅腫、脫皮 請電聯或Whatapps 93820149 預約你的療程以及Payme/FPS/Alipay預付$200, 48小時內取消會收取$200預付的定金,餘款只收取現金。 只需家中準備一個舒適地方躺下,我會帶備所有工具

Cancellation Policy

The outstanding only accepted cash. Please be aware that cancellations made within 48 hours or no show of the appointment will be charged at HKD200

Contact Details

+ 93820149

Hong Kong, , HKG

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