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Far Infrared Healing Lamp


30 min
100 Hong Kong dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

Far infrared healing lamp devices used to accelerate natural healing processes. Far infrared (below visible light spectrum) emissions are thought to penetrate deeply into the body, increasing microcirculation and thus delivering more oxygen and nutrients to injured cells while eliminating cellular waste . The lamp is popularly used in hospitals in China and Japan. The lamp is different from other far-infrared heating devices. It contains a heated mineral plate made of a proprietary formula of 33 trace elements, which stimulates your body to heal naturally. Who would benefit from healing lamp? Anybody with muscles tightness, inflammation, or pain. The treatment is usually done on the neck, back, shoulders, knees, elbows, or ankles to recover faster from an injury (such as motor vehicle accident) and reduce pain. It can also be used for lower abdominal (cramping or period pain). What to expect when getting a treatment? The lamp which is used at a distance from the skin (approximately twelve inches) deeply heats the area being treated without causing burning. A treatment with healing lamp feels like a gentle sensation of heat and patients say that the treatment feels very relaxing. We usually used it together with or after massage or cupping treatments for 20~30 mins Booking Policy: Please call/WhatApps 93820149 to make appointment, after you confirm the booking with me, it is request to pre-pay deposit $200 for your treatment in order to secure your booking and get the discount. Please go to home page click "BUY NOW" to proceed credit/debit card payment online or contact me for payme/FPS payment. The outstanding accept cash only. 遠紅外綫電磁波熱治療 功能: 過去二十年經過國內外許多研究及臨床治療,證明了此特定電磁波治療儀具有對閉合性軟组織損傷、肩周炎、急慢性風濕性關節炎、療頸痛、腰腿痛、經痛、坐骨神經痛等多種炎症痛症起了治療作用。由於功效顯著,獲稱為『神燈』之美譽。 此治療儀所發出的不同波長和不同能量的综合電磁波,恰與人體自身釋放的電磁波相吻合,並為人體所吸收及儲存,從而產生治療和保健功效。已獲得美國FDA的銷售許可,及通過歐盟CE認證。現今國内外許多醫療單位均以此作為理療和輔助治療設備。 禁忌:血小板過低、白血病、安裝了心臟起搏器的患者或孕婦、患發燒、肺結核、動脈硬化、高血壓等病症者不宜使用

Cancellation Policy

The outstanding only accepted cash. Please be aware that cancellations made within 48 hours or no show of the appointment will be charged at HKD200

Contact Details

+ 93820149

Hong Kong, , HKG

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