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Jessica Beauty

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Elemis Ultrasonic Facial


1 h 10 min
700 Hong Kong dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

This facial base on the Elemis Anti-age facial add on Ultrasonic machine peeling, this peeling delicately exfoliates the skin using powerful vibrations. When used directly on wet skin, 26000Hz vibrations penetrate water molecules deep into the pores washing out oil, dirt and dead skin cells. Medical Grade Stainless steel Spatula then gently scrubs away all the debris from the surface revealing beautiful fresh-looking skin. Recommended for all skin types, but has shown remarkable results for those with skin problems or acne because the machine works deeply into the skin, allowing deeper cleaning. It is also recommended for those have very dry skin and seeking anti-aging benefits because of the fantastic lifting properties associated with the method. Booking Policy: Please call/WhatApps 93820149 to make appointment, after you confirm the booking with me, it is request to pre-pay deposit $200 for your treatment in order to secure your booking. Please contact me for payme/FPS payment. The outstanding accept cash. 英國水療ELEMIS超聲波深層清潔面部護理 Elemis抗衰老保濕面部護理: 深層清潔,面部針清修眉,再配合超聲波儀溫和去除老化角質,使毛孔暢通,才開始導入高效再生活膚面膜或木瓜酵素修護面膜,改善暗啞膚色,然後再敷第二個骨膠原海洋面膜令水份及營養滲透至肌膚底層, 再配合獨特的面部加穴位中西按摩手法,讓肌膚重拾清爽,亮白潤澤,使肌膚恢復年輕。 療程包含2種面膜和30分鐘臉部/頸肩淋巴/頭部按摩 功效: 改善肌膚外觀和緊實度, 顯著增加肌膚保濕度 提升轮廓效果 喚醒細胞,加速新陳代謝 防止環境对皮膚伤害, 預防衰老 請電聯或Whatapps 93820149 預約你的療程以及Payme/FPS/Alipay預付$200, 48小時內取消會收取$200預付的定金,餘款只收取現金。 只需家中準備一個舒適地方躺下,我會帶備所有工具。

Cancellation Policy

The outstanding only accepted cash. Please be aware that cancellations made within 48 hours or no show of the appointment will be charged at HKD200

Contact Details

+ 93820149

Hong Kong, , HKG

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