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Aromatherapy Body Massage


50 min
500 Hong Kong dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

If you not sure which massage right for you, a free consultation will take place to personalise for you. Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health. In addition to being calming and healing, aromatherapy massage impacts all of your body’s systems, from your circulatory and nervous systems to the lymphatic and musculoskeletal systems. aromatherapy has shown benefits for the following uses: • anxiety • depression • insomnia • nausea • pain Booking Policy: Please call/WhatApps 93820149 to make appointment, after you confirm the booking with me, it is request to pre-pay deposit $200 for your treatment in order to secure your booking and get the discount. Please contact me for payme/FPS payment. The outstanding accept cash. 為了達到整全舒適有效的按摩,一個舒適環境,按摩床與SPA音樂都是非常重要, 而75分鐘按摩是最理想的,建議選擇75分鐘療程和購買可摺叠按摩床安置家中(可聯係我購買) 按摩師為修讀英國 IFA合資格香薰治療師 精油身心放鬆按摩: 芳療即芳香療法,是指藉由芳香植物所萃取出的精油做為媒介,並以按摩方式經由皮膚吸收進入體內。精油分子極微小,能穿透皮膚而快速吸收,進而由血液循環至各個器官,刺激神經末梢,傳遞訊息到腦部,並經由一連串的化學反應,使腦部情緒放鬆,來達到舒緩精神壓力與促進身心靈平衡。對以下問題有很好舒緩效果: 疼痛(關節、肌肉) 消化系統問題(脹氣、痙攣) 循環系統問題(下肢水腫、身體寒冷) 壓力過大感到煩燥或神經緊繃(抑鬱、焦慮、失眠) 請電聯或Whatapps 93820149 預約你的療程以及Payme/FPS/Alipay預付$200, 48小時內取消會收取$200預付的定金,餘款只收取現金。

Cancellation Policy

The outstanding only accepted cash. Please be aware that cancellations made within 48 hours or no show of the appointment will be charged at HKD200

Contact Details

+ 93820149

Hong Kong, , HKG

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