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Jessica Beauty

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Advanced Eye Contour Treatment


40 min
500 Hong Kong dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

This is a complex non invasive treatment that offer instant and long-lasting anti-aging benefits to the eye area. Benefits: Improves dark circles, reduces puffiness, smooths the fine lines and wrinkles Step 1, Acupressure point eye massage with Bulgaria rose essence 10mins Massaging the pressure points with the fingers helps reduce puffiness, improve the blood circulation and the Bulgaria rose essence provide long lasting moisture for supple, dewy skin Step 2, Ionic Eyes Massager 10mins High-frequency sonic vibrations to relax eyes. It's 10,000/minute vibration rebuilds your skin collagen, tightens up the pores, eliminate eye bags & puffy eyes, reduce fine lines & crows feet (eye wrinkles) Step 3, Eye Paper Mask with 40℃Thermal eye cover 20mins The butterfly-shaped eye mask can cover the whole eyes or cover the under-eye area. So that the essence can be absorbed effectively. With a patented skin whitening ingredient HALOXYL and wrinkle remover STEROCARE can help remove dark circles and fine line 40℃Thermal eye cover to remove dark circle & promote better mask absorption Booking Policy: Please call/WhatApps 93820149 to make appointment, after you confirm the booking with me, it is request to pre-pay deposit $200 for your treatment in order to secure your booking and get the discount. Please go to home page click "BUY NOW" to proceed credit/debit card payment online or contact me for payme/FPS payment. The outstanding accept CASH only. 天然牛角眼部拨筋法X離子溫熱導入奧圖玫瑰精華油 眼睛周圍有各臟腑經穴分布,大多數人眼周穴點與筋膜容易氣血瘀阻、產生筋結而不自知,日子久了就會視力模糊、長黑斑及皺紋。 利用水牛角制成的松筋棒配合特有之提神按摩手法和專門針對眼部離子溫熱導入玫瑰精華 撥筋明眸療法:打散淤滯於眼部的筋結,氣結并補充氧氣養份,使細胞、縴維正常運作,解決眼部問題 離子溫熱導入:可促進血液循環,加速皮膚新陳代謝,改善組織吸收營養的能力,增加淋巴循環疏通經絡 保加利亞奧圖玫瑰精華:即時為肌膚注入水源力量,重啟肌膚儲水機制,並有助加強肌膚防禦力,對抗衰老,減淡細紋 蝴蝶形眼膜配合恆溫眼罩:合法國專利成份Haloxyl亮白多胜肽複合物及Sterocare TM,紅三葉草花提取物,前者可有效減退頑固黑眼圈,而後者可撫平礙眼的魚尾紋,使用後,可即時提亮眼周肌膚,令完美神采再現。

Cancellation Policy

The outstanding only accepted cash. Please be aware that cancellations made within 48 hours or no show of the appointment will be charged at HKD200

Contact Details

+ 93820149

Hong Kong, , HKG

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